| C#.NET Introduction to .NET Framework - .NET Framework
- OverView
- Assemblies
- NameSpaces
- .NET Languages
- Dll’s(Vs)Exe’s
Basics: - Getting Started
- Using Variables and Arrays
- Methods and Parameters
- Decision Structures and Loops
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING - Classes, structures and enums
- Constructors
- Destructors
- Properties
- Inheritance
-Shadowing(new methods) -Overriding - Method Overloading
- this and base Keyword
- Sealed classes
- Interfaces, Abstract Classes
- Working with Delegates
- Designing and Implementing Events
- Generics
- Sealed classes and Partial classes
- C#.NET Application Architecture
- Solution, Projects
- Compiling, Debugging and Running in IDE
- System.Drawing
- The Form Class
- Win Forms
- Visual Inheritance
- Programming with Controls
- User Controls
WORKING WITH COLLECTIONS, IO System.IO - Readers and Writers
- Streams
System.Collections SERIALIZATION Formatters - Binary Serialization
- Formatters, Binary Formatter
- SOAP Serialization
- XML Serialization
ADO.NET I: - Introduction
- Architecture
- System.Data.Dll
- System.Data.Oledb
- System.Data.SqlClient
- Data Readers
- Command Object
- Procedure Execution (PL/SQL)
ADO.NET II : Data Adapters and DataSets - Data Tables
- Data Relations
- Data Views
ASSEMBLIES - Strong Names
- Private and Shared Assemblies
MULTITHREADING - Threading Introduction
- System.Thrading NameSpaces
- Thread Members
- Thread States
GUI PROGRAMMING CRYSTAL REPORTS WITH .NET VB.NET Overview of .NET - Drawbacks of the Existing System
- Why .NET came into picture
- Difference between Java and .NET
- .NET Framework Architecture
- Versions of .NET Framework
Visual Basic .NET - Disadvantages of Visual Basic
- Programming in VB .NET
- Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Arrays
OOPS - Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Constructors
- Inheritance
- Overloading Methods and Constructors
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Assemblies
- Access Specifies
Exception Handling - What is Exception
- Error Handling
- Using Try, Catch, Finally and Throw
- Defining our own exception classes
- Debugging the Application
Windows Programming - Understanding Windows Programming
- Class Hierarchy
- Using Various Windows Components
ADO .NET - Client Server Architecture
- Understanding Drivers and Providers
- ADO .NET Architecture
- Using OLEDB Providers
- Data Readers
- Using Oracle and SQL Server Managed Providers
- Disconnected Architecture with Data sets
- Data controls
- Data Table and Data View difference and usage
- Invoking Stored Procedures
Assemblies - Why Assemblies
- Disadvantages of Com
- Architecture of Assemblies
- Creating Private and Shared Assemblies
- Deploying Shared Assemblies in GAC
Custom Windows Controls (User Controls) -
- Creating and Using them in other applications
- Defining properties to controls using Property Procedures
- Defining Events to controls and invoke them
Multithreading - Difference between Multitasking and
- Multithreading
- Advantages of Multithreading
- Creating Multiple threads in application
- Thread Synchronization
Windows Services - Understanding Windows Services
- Creating Windows Services
- Installing and Uninstalling Windows services
.NET Remoting - Understanding Distributed Architecture
- Drawbacks of DCOM
- Remoting Advantages
- Remoting Vs web services
- Creating & Using Remote Applications
Crystal Reports - Designing and Invoking Crystal Reports
- Datasets and Crystals Reports
PROJECT WORK • Will be covered in vb.net/c#.net • All new technologies will be addressed by the faculty during teaching regular content ensuring complete awareness for the next future • Any other topics on request will be taught by our experienced faculty – Feel free to ask sub timings and availability | ASP.NET ASP.NET - Basics
- Web Programming
- JavaScript
- Architecture
- Inline Technique & Code-Behind Technique
- Code Render Blocks
- Server Controls
- Page Basics, Page lifecycle
- Post back Request
- View State, Directives
- Web Server Controls
- Basic Web Controls
- List Controls, Data Controls
- Adv Controls, User Controls
- DataReaders and DataSets
- Command Object
- Transaction Programming
- Procedure Execution
- Data Adapter and Data Set
- Data Tables
- Data Relation
- Data Views
- Updating Dataset
ADO.NET AND ASP.NET - Working with Data Controls
- GridView
-Inserting, Updating, Deleting -Sorting in Data Grid -Paging in Data Grid - DataSource Controls
- Dataset
- DetailsView
- FormView
- Data List
- Repeater Control
- Crystal Reports
- Parsers
- SAX Model
- DOM Model
- XML Programming in .Net
- XML Readers
- XML Serialization
- View State
- Cookie State
- Session State
- Session Tracking
- Application Object
- Session and Application Events
ASP .NET APPLICATION TUNING - Machine.Config & Web.Config.
- App Setting
- Compilation Settings
- Custom Error Settings
- Session State Settings
- InProcess & OutProcess Sesstion States
- State Server & SQL Server
- Cookieless Session State
- Application and Global.ASAX
CACHING - Introduction to Caching
- Types of Caching
- Page Caching
- Diff. between Webuser Controls & Custom Controls
- Page fragmentation Caching
- Data Caching
- Data Caching – Application Object
TRACING - Page Level
- Application Level
SECURITY - Authentication & Authorization
- Windows Authentications
- Forms Authentications
- Passport Authentications
- Memberships
WEB SERVICES - Architecture
- Publishing and Consuming Web Services
- Web Client
- Windows Client
- Caching Web Services
- Security in Web Services
WEBPARTS - Webpart Manager
- Zone Types
Overview of Advanced .NET Technologies - ASP.NET-AJAX
- Silverlight
Advanced .NET Content WCF with C# Introduction to WCF - Review the Challenges of Building Distributed Applications
- Examine the Concept of Service Oriented Application
- See a High Level Overview of Windows Communication Foundation
- Build and Host your First WCF Service
Hosting and Calling WCF Services - Understand how to Host a WCF Service
- Understand how Clients Communicate with Services
- See how to Host and Call a Service using Multiple Bindings
- See how to Configure Endpoint in Code and in Configuration Files
Bindings and Contracts - Understand how to Work with Bindings
- Explore how to Create Service and Data Contracts
- See the Implications of Modifying Service and Data Contracts
Exceptions, Diagnostics and Message Patterns - Learn how to Handle Exceptions in WCF Services
- See Techniques for Diagnosing Services
- Explore One-Way and Duplex Communication
Sessions and Transactions - See how to use Sessions to Maintain State in WCF Services
- Explore Options for Controlling the Lifetime of a Service Instance
- Learn how to Add Transactions Support to a WCF Service
WCF Security - Explore the Basics of WCF Security
- See how to Authenticate Callers of a Service
- See how to Authorize Callers Based on Roles
RESTful Services - Explore how to Build WCF Services that Support Representational State Transfer (REST)
WPF with C# Introducing WPF - Understand the motivation behind WPF
- Examine the various ‘flavors’ of WPF applications
- Overview the services provided by WPF
- Examine the core WPF assemblies and namespaces
- Work with the Window and Application class types
- Learn the syntax of XAML
- Understand the XAML / code relationship
WPF Controls - Survey the core WPF control types
- Review the WPF control programming model
- Learn to position controls using layout managers
- Understand the role of WPF control commands
WPF Document Controls - Understand the scope of the WPF documents API
- Distinguish between fixed documents and flow documents
- Populate a document with inline and block elements
- Work with the WPF document APIs
WPF Graphical Rendering Services - Understand the scope of WPFs graphical rendering services
- Work with the Shape types
- Work with Brushes and Pens
- Apply graphical transformations
- Understand the role of geometries and drawings
- Work with the visual programming layer
WPF Resource Management - Learn to manage binary resources
- Understand the role of logical resources
- Work with resources in XAML and procedural code
- Work with resource dictionaries
- Understand the resource lookup mechanism
- Know the role of dynamic resources
- Learn how to make use of system resources
WPF Styles - Learn how to define and apply WPF styles
- Learn to limit where a style can be applied
- Build new styles based on existing styles
- Understand the use of triggers
WPF Animation Support - Understand the scope of WPF’s animation services
- Define animations in code and XAML
- Work with linear interpolation animations
- Work with key-frame-based animations
- Work with path-based animations
WPF Data Binding - Understand the WPF data binding mechanism
- Bind to custom objects
WPF Templates and User Controls - Understand the relationship between WPF logical and visual trees
- Learn to build custom control templates
- Examine options for building custom controls
LINQ Training Outline Language Extensions - Implicitly typed variables
- Extension methods
- Object initialization syntax
- Anonymous types
- Lambda expressions
Introduction to LINQ - LINQ expressions
- Using via extension methods
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Aggregation
- Skip and Take operators
- Joins
Deferred Execution - Benefits and drawbacks
- IEnumerable vs IQueryable
- Using across tiers
Data Projection - Single result value
- Existing types
- Anonymous types
- Grouping
LINQ to XML - New XML classes
- Generating XML
- Querying XML
- Using data projection
- Combining with XPath
LINQ to SQL - Attributes and mapping
- Creating a DataContext
- Deferred loading
- Saving changes
- Inserts and deletes
- Transactions
- Concurrency
- Handling exceptions
LINQ to Entities - ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Differences from LINQ to SQL
- Available providers
- Defining an Entity Data Model (EDM)
- Database-first vs. Model-first
- Object Services
- Change tracking
- Using EntityClient
- Using stored procedures
- Plain-Old CLR Object support (POCO) [.NET 4.0 only]
- N-tier and service-based applications
WINDOWS VISTA-NEWFEATURES • Gadgets/side bars • Office 2007 • VS to VS.net tools for office MOBLE APPLICATIONS • Mobile forms • Mobile Environment – Today’s Need • Needed Infrastructure • WAP, WML overview • MS Mobile Explorer • Open ware Simulators • Line smart phones and Pocket PC Applications SMARTPHONE AND POCKET PC • What is Smart phone/Pocket PC? • Application fro smart phone/pocket pc • Deploying/ Run application in devices /Live VSTO – VS.NET • What is VSTO? • Programming developing managed adding’s for outlook • Advantages VSTO • VSTO 2005 SE • Runtime component ADDITIONAL NEEDED SERVICES IN WEB APPS (OPTIONAL) • MSMQ in ASP.Net • Its need in data transferring • MSMQ – Its role in heterogeneous networks and systems • Crystal Reports in ASP.Net • Designing Reports for Web Browsers [OVERVIEW] • Share point • Biz talk | |